Barnier urges to close the Brexit withdrawal agreement


Brussels .- The Chief Negotiator of the European Union (EU) for Brexit, Michel Barnier, urged to complete the withdrawal agreement on the UK's departure from the club Community and, in particular, He stressed that it is urgent to find a solution at the Irish border .

At an appearance before his meeting Thursday with the new British Brexit Minister, Dominic Raab, the French politician pointed out that there were only 13 weeks left for the summit October 18-19, ] month in which Brussels intends to close the withdrawal agreement, reported Efe.

"In this short time, we must do two things: we must finalize the withdrawal agreement, and we are not there yet, we must prepare a political declaration on our future relations, "said the former French minister, convinced that there is" a lot of work to be done ".

With regard to the British exit pact, he pointed out that was "an urgent matter" to agree on a "legally operational" solution for the border between the United States and the United States. Ireland and Northern Ireland.

With regard to future relations, he recalls that in March the EU proposed "an unprecedented partnership" not only in the economic and commercial fields, but also in internal and external security, which Barnier has given great importance "given the geopolitical context".

Raab, for his part, pointed out that "a lot of progress" was made in the withdrawal agreement, especially, in the rights of the citizens and in the transitional period that took place. Will extend from 29 March 2019, the planned date of the completion of Brexit, until 31 December 2020.

However, the EU Minister admitted that there there are still "gaps".

In addition to expressing his hope for further progress in today's meeting, he found it "vital" to make progress in the debate on future relations, following the publication of the Kingdom's proposal. On this subject on 12 July. "I am looking forward to stepping up negotiations," Raab said.

That same Thursday, the European Commission issued a communication urging member states and businesses to "speed up" the preparations for all possible scenarios before the British release of the community club, it is to say that Brexit is produced with a withdrawal agreement or without it.

Brussels intends to have the final version of the exit pact in October so that national parliaments can give their approval among the months and March of next year .

However, a solution must still be found for the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in a context where the Talks between Brussels and London has barely advanced in recent months due to internal tensions in the British executive.

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