"Uptown Neighbors" Continues Successful Activities at El Trasnocho Cultural


"The Neighbors Above" is a comedy that introduces us to two neighboring couples of the same building, with completely opposite ideas about how to cope with life in a couple, the play begins when these couples come together to As the work progresses, the boundary between what we mean by conventional and what does not become fuzzy. Through the states of euphoria, tenderness, humor, resentment and even violence contained in those who pass through these four characters, the audience will go from hilarity to reflection, transforming the smile initial in an unpleasant expression of perplexity

. The work, which was written and published initially in Catalan in 2015 under the direction of the same playwright, has managed to exhaust all its functions in 61 venues, thus beating the record of the history of Theater Romea. The Spanish version was created in April 2016 in Madrid.

"Los vecinos from Above", relies on the important support as a sponsor of the Spanish Embassy in Venezuela, and with a cast of admired figures of performance, among those who stand out: Antonio Delli, Natalia Morlacci, Agustín Segnini and Marielena González, who will converge on the same stage to interpret these four particular neighbors.

"Neighbors Above" is directed by Consuelo Trum, has general production by Intactus Teatro, Natalia Morlacci, Agustin Segnini and @evelinnavaproducciones and the management of press and public relations by Daisy Alamo.

The play is in season at the Trasnocho Theater with performances on Friday at 20:00. Saturdays and Sundays at 18:00 Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketmundo.com or at the Theater Box Office. NP


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