The Urban Urban – Increasing the case of HIV, prevention is key


What is HIV? How is he contracted? and how do I know if I am a carrier? These are just some of the questions that arise when we talk about the human immunodeficiency virus better known as HIV, the increased cases raised an alert to the 39, nationally. That's why we wanted to talk to the nurse in charge of epidemiology and vaccination at Santa Cruz Hospital, Cecilia Cáceres, so that she's guiding us on how to treat and preventative measures.

The first thing is to know what is HIV, to which the professional explains that "it is a virus that enters your body and can last up to ten years without presenting any symptom, but over time it will produce AIDS which means Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, which is a disease that lowers the defenses, so even a cold could kill us if we have this pathology. "

When asked if all people living with HIV say that they have AIDS, the answer is" No, this virus needs to enter a cell to replicate its genetic material and it usually occupies the lymphocytes, if it does not happen, it does not become AIDS.Today, in Chile and in the world, there is a drug called retroviral that prevents the virus to multiply, avoids AIDS it is free and part of the GES. "

With regard to contagion, the m There are several mechanisms, "the most common is that of sexual intercourse, the mother who has HIV can infect her baby when she is pregnant, when she gives milk. I can pierce myself with a needle from a patient who has HIV and infect me, also by blood transfusions, usually here in Chile the blood is checked, a lot of studies are done and there is little Probably it happens here, but in other countries they do not have all the techniques we use, so there may be a risk. "

It should be noted that prevention is the most important thing to prevent the spread of HIV, as indicated by the head of epidemiology." First, l & # 39; 39, condom use, young people stopped using condoms, relaxed, which increased cases at the country level, another average is to have a stable partner and it is also recommended that we all take the HIV blood test, which is a very short test that will determine whether we are carriers or not.

Similarly, this relay of which the professional speaks is reflected in the statistics that they deal with in the center. "If we focus on Santa Cruz, in 2015 we had five cases of HIV infection and today we have 21 HIV-positive people, two of whom are already dead and nationwide there are more than 200 thousand people who do not know that they have HIV his body, "he clarifies.

In addition to prevention, the Santa Cruz Hospital deploys a series of strategies focused on the promotion of education. "We are very worried about this issue, especially for our young people, the most exposed age group is between 15 and 35 years old, so we go to school, we went to jail, we have visited the radio, the place and the education with this migrant community as are the Haitians "details the person in charge of the vaccination.

In the end Cecilia emphasizes that the key is prevention by encouraging "that they use condoms, that they pass the exam, which can be taken to the Santa Hospital" Cruz or approaching the nearest health center as it is free.The Department of Health, especially Minister Santelices, is very concerned about this issue, urging that the review be taken.

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