Revocatory requests the approval of the NA for international credits


The announcement of the President of the Elector, Diosdado Cabello, that the ruling party has all the calculations ready to revoke the deputies of the National Assembly demonstrates the will the government to regain control of the legislature, get the guarantee international credits that demand and close the tracks for the transition. Political scientist Oscar Vallés and Constitutionalist Luis Alfonso Herrera agree on this point.

"Cabello's proposal involves several readings: one of the major problems of the government is its difficulty in managing credits with international capital.The National Assembly, which is the valid constitutional interlocutor The National Constituent Assembly is not used for these purposes and will not last forever, it has an end date and Diosdado Cabello wants to regain control of the Legislature, "explained Vallés.

The analyst believes that the recall referendum of elected deputies On December 6, 2015 is the main offer of the president of the ANC, and also vice-president of the PSUV, at the congress of the party that will be held next week: "Cabello will seek to consolidate support for regional teams to activate the collection of signatures and call for the recall of deputies in each state of the country.The decision of this referendum can not be taken in Miraflores; , in the end, if the goal is not achieved, the defeat will not be Cabello, he will be the people. "

Constitutionalist Luis Alfonso Herrera believes that" the hair plan is clear : hurry, before dictating new Communist Constitution, the elimination of the National Assembly, in a seemingly democratic and constitutional way.The obvious goal is to regain control of the Legislative Power (totalitarianism e lives on the symbolic), or finally stop functioning through the constituent. "

He argued that the path of transition in the country is the AN and from there all Herrera indicated that the request for removal of deputies would be made in chronological order, given that is half of the five-year term for which they were elected in December 2015. He recalled that to request the revocation of the mandate, in accordance with Article 72 of the Constitution, "a number of less than 20% of the registered voters in the corresponding constituency "is required.

However, the constitutional expert believes that" there is no current constitutional regulation that serves as a basis for such an appeal, yet fewer autonomous and independent institutions capable of achieving a fair democratic consultation. Not applicable since the action of the Executive, the usurper TSJ and especially the illegitimate ANC, the 1999 Constitution is, in fact, suspended and in its place, in addition to the Plan of the Homeland and revolutionary legislation produced by decrees … the law, it is enforced is the political will of Maduro, the senior management of the PSUV and those who control, inside and out. outside the country, the performance of this constituent. "

Consultation. In early July, Pedro Carreño MP announced that the mechanism of recall of parliamentarians would be subject to consultation in the 23 states and the district of the capital to submit a consensus proposal
" We will make an assessment to determine who will be picked up. the signatures for the recall, "said Carreño.

In 2002, a Supreme Court ruling ruled that when nominal deputies are dismissed, the seat is assumed by their deputy, but it is not clear what is goes when the repeals are the deputies by list.

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