Israeli air strike took military stance in Syria where ground-to-ground missiles are manufactured


Photo: AFP

(Caracas, July 22. News24) .- An Israeli Air Strike on Sunday targeted "a military position " regime forces in "One of our positions military in Massyaf suffered an Israeli air strike, "reported the official Sana news agency, citing a military source that only refers to material damage.

Israel recently launched several air strikes against positions of the Syrian regime and its Iranian ally.

An Israeli army spokesman declined to comment, as his country rarely confirms his military incursions "The site attacked on Sunday is a workshop supervised by the Iranians, where are manufactured ground missiles -sol short-range "said the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. (OSDH), an NGO that has an extensive network of sources in Syria

"Iranian forces and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement are in this area," the director of the OSDH told AFP. , Rami Abdel Rahman.

Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah, d enemies of Israel, are the main allies of the Syrian regime with Russia.

Israel has repeatedly reiterated its rejection of Syria becoming an Iranian bridgehead

The Massyaf region also houses an antenna of the Syrian Center for Research and Scientific Studies (SSRC) already attacked in September 2017 by the Israeli army.

This body is accused by the United States of having helped produce sarin gas and manufacture chemical weapons, but the Syrian power denies resorting to this type of arsenal [19659003] In mid-July, an attack on Israel of Aleppo (north) killed at least nine confessions favorable to the regime, including three foreigners, according to the OSDH

The attack this Sunday occurs while Israel has just guaranteed the evacuation to Jordan of hundreds of white helmets, volunteer rescuers working in rebel areas of Syria, apparently trapped in the south of the country in the middle of a regime offensive

According to information provided by AFP

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