Classes will begin on September 17th | With people


  Source: Archivo

More information … Photo: Archivo

Editorial 2001 | [email protected]

The Minister of People's Power for Education, Elias Jaua announced that the 2018-2019 school year will begin September 17 for education primary and primary and October 2 for the average education with the current study plan and with established schedules.

Interviewed in the program Dialogue with, transmitted by Televen. Jaua pointed out that in the basic education 7 million 200,000 students are currently registered in the public sector and one and a half million students in the private sector, "80% of Venezuelan education is "

. The education sector's pushing state, Jaua said that for the next school year about 120 new institutions will be inaugurated in various parts of the country, between the months of September, October and November.

"We did the extensions and adjustments primarily because we are getting the migration of private education students to public education because of the high tuition fees in some cases," he said. said.

He also indicated that currently 16,000 schools have canteens, out of the 25,000 that are in the country, and for the new school year aspire to extend them to 2 thousand plus, in addition to the Foundation Fe y Alegría agreed to implement School Feeding Program (PAE).

Jaua also ratified the cancellation of the tuition premium from the end of registration in September to help with the purchase of supplies and uniforms and at the same time the delivery of 4 Millions of tricolor school backpacks with their supplies and 4 million students for free. The minister highlighted the achievement of Venezuelan public education amidst the complex economic situation affected by an unconventional slut promoted by right-wing factors and the financial blockade imposed by the US government on the country. Despite this scenario, "the president Nicolás Maduro guaranteed the necessary resources for the payment of teachers and the operation of our schools," he said.

This school year they were promoted 506 thousand 708 children, a growth of 6% over the previous year; From the sixth to the first year of high school, 526 thousand 855 students were promoted, an increase of 2% and 493 thousand 997 young graduates of high school, increase of 4%.

The incumbent ratified the continuity of the specialized training plans for teachers of Misión Simón Rodríguez and Constituencies Pedagogical Constituents in terms of revision of teaching work, in addition to to give impetus to technical training.

The Minister stated that the Government will begin a process of consultation and dialogue with the universities that train teachers, public and private enterprises of the country, in order to reinvigorate the technical education in to integrate it at all levels and modalities of education Venezuelan

"This is the great educational revolution that will be integrated over the next decade, but the idea that we We have already visualized and we will start a p The consultation process is that by 2026 we will be able to have at all levels and modalities of Venezuelan technical education and innovation, science and technology, "he said.

This initiative came into being.Technical media education this year.We recently did the productive techniques with 287 technical schools in which the boys have elevators in the models, they have produced models for automobiles, "he said.


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