Leo Zuckermann – How quickly did AMLO and Morena ignore each other?


23 July 2018

In 2015, The Economist quoted an ex-official about the Peña government disaster : They do not get that they do not get it (they do not understand that they do not understand). The author of the text, under the pseudonym Bello, addressed the issue of lack of accountability for multiple cases of corruption. But unlike the government, according to Bello, the Mexicans were understanding and the great recipient of penitent deafness would be the eternal presidential candidate, López Obrador . AMLO understood: the big problem that had outraged the electorate was corruption. Any questions asked during the campaign on how to solve any problem, replied: "resolve the corruption". Never since 1982 has a presidential candidate voted so much in terms of percentage and with a huge difference between first and second place. The message was very clear: the electorate had severely punished the corrupt.
This is what catapulted AMLO and buried the PRI and a president who never wanted to understand it.

In the early days After his impressive triumph, AMLO and his party have already had their first test of corruption. They failed. With the stock market victory, it seems that they ignored what they had understood. I am referring to the Trust for Others (FPD).

I summarize the case of the article of Ciro Murayama Chairman of the Supervisory Commission of INE, published last Thursday Millennium . After the earthquake of September 19
INE alerted parties that were not charitable institutions entitled to distribute money among the victims. This could be misinterpreted as a gift for electoral purposes, which is prohibited by law.

Despite the warning, Morena formed the FPD. Supposedly, he would allocate 50% of his budget for donations. INE investigated the FPD for a PRI complaint. She found that several people affiliated with Morena were the ones who formed the so-called "private" trust, but whose legal address is the same as that of the party.

As for income, Morena has never used public funding money to fund the FPD. The great majority of the confreres, however, were members of Morena. 56% of the money deposited was in cash (which was prohibited in the contract). So there is no way of knowing where these resources come from.

In seven days, 44% of the money was deposited with a minimum difference of seconds, almost always of 50 thousand pesos, for a handful of individuals in a "concatenated, orchestrated and coordinated" action. In addition, 3.2 million pesos of companies prevented from contributing to resources were accepted.

Regarding disbursements, 64.5 million pesos were withdrawn with bank checks which were later changed into cash, which prevents tracking of money. 80% of those who have withdrawn funds have a direct relationship with Morena. We are, according to INE, facing an illegal parallel financing scheme of the party founded by López Obrador . A "fraud to the law, and fraud always involves fraud", according to
with Murayama .

The authority, therefore, fined Morena 197 million pesos. Aware of the news, the next president said the fine was "an ugly revenge", that there was "no immoral act", that they were not "corrupt" and that they had not committed any illegality. He stated that "some INE counselors come from the right and they have bad faith towards him and his party".

As in the past, he again raised the issue of a possible conspiracy against him. On this occasion, the Ministry of Finance with the INE. For his part, the leader of Morena, Yeidckol Polevnsky stated that INE should not have investigated a private trust and hinted that it was a revenge for the part of the directors of the INE because they go They reacted

I just want to ask you something, dear reader. In the aforementioned account of the facts, based on the article of Murayama replace the word "Brunette" with "PRI". In other words, let's imagine this same operation, but carried out by PRIistas. After Peña would have justified it by saying – as he said when the White House – did not commit any illegality. And Claudia Ruiz Massieu PRI chief, arguing the same as Polevnsky. What would they say, right now, AMLO and his followers?

It seems that they quickly went overboard. They started badly using a double standard. They are good at condemning the corruption of others, but they tolerate, defend and justify theirs. If they continue like that, in six years they will be out of power. It would be worthwhile to see how they went to the last election for those who never understood it.

Twitter: @leozuckermann


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