The reactions after Freddy Bernal admit the government's guilt


ELINFORMADOR.COM.VE .- Statements of the protector of the Táchira state, Freddy Bernal, in which he assumes that the country's crisis is the responsibility of the revolution, has generated various reactions, overt support while others only express their doubts.

Former popular defender Gabriela Ramírez said that the government, through the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, is doing some sort of "democratic fiction" to make its supporters believe that they have an interest in the decisions of the country.

However, he stressed that "it takes a lot of courage to publicly express all these criticisms.I praise these gestures because it is always the best time to talk, because we have to face the country lives, "he said in a radio interview with Circuito Éxitos

the entire government of former president Rafael Caldera, Bernal's statements in Assuming that it is the government's fault all that happens in the country, raise some doubts

"What Freddy Bernal will be put in his hands when he will recognize that this tragedy is the responsibility of the regime? Chavez warned with the "for the moment", did the people learn not to be deceived? ", Warned Bernardoni.

For his part, the editor-in-chief of Zeta magazine, Rafael Poleo, declared:"

For Frente Amplio Venezuela member Nicmer Evans, "a moment of lucidity appreciated, but not Not exceeding his responsibilities. "

Freddy Bernal acknowledged this Sunday that the responsibility for the crisis that runs through the country belongs to the government and to no one else." We are responsible because we are 19 years old of revolution, "he declared.

" I'm ashamed, we even lost governance. It must be said. And we are responsible for that. The fourth republic is not responsible, no. Carlos Andrés Pérez is not responsible, no. We are responsible because we have 19 years of revolution, and we are already responsible for the good and the bad in this country, "said Bernal.

The statements are the first of a senior government official and the ruling party that recognizes the responsibility of the executive in the serious economic and social crisis in Venezuela

Union Radio