Mexico-US relations: 5 key points of the letter of conciliation sent by AMLO to Trump


  Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Donald Trump

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador has an unexpected cordial relationship with Donald Trump.

The next president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, asked in a letter of conciliation to the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to start a new stage in the relations between their countries, based on "the cooperation and prosperity ".

In the letter, which was made public this weekend, AMLO talks about building bridges to advance in the four areas "in which is the essence of the bilateral relationship: trade, migration, Development and Security . "

In addition, López Obrador is compared to Trump, noting that both have managed to make citizens the priority and " move the establishment or predominant regime "

"I am encouraged by the fact that we both know how to accomplish what we say and that we have successfully faced adversity ," he said.

. The American is one of the most beloved characters of the country. Precisely, critics of AMLO, which will take office on December 1 accuse it of looking like president of EE . U.

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The relationship between AMLO and the President of the United States He was surprised to be more cordial and respectful than expected. A change from Trump's treatment of the current Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto.

To the surprise of congratulating Trump on AMLO as soon as his electoral victory was announced, he followed a visit of the highest level to Mexico, led by the US Secretary of State; and now there is the AMLO letter full of nods to the American president.

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AMLO won a large victory in the July 1 elections.

Here are the 5 key points of this missive:

1. This migration is addressed with a "development plan that includes the countries of Central America" ​​

AMLO says that it will make a budget proposal so that each country "contributes according to the size of its economy" to resources for the development of the

75% of these resources would be intended to create jobs and fight against poverty and 25% to border control and security. This would be a radical change to current policies which are based primarily on security.

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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited the offices of López Obrador in Mexico City.

AMLO stresses that every government, from Mexico to Panama, would work to make migration unnecessary and prevent the illegal transit of goods, weapons and drug trafficking .

"It would be the most humane and effective way to guarantee the peace, tranquility and security of our peoples and nations," he said.

Trump maintains an anti-immigration rhetoric since coming to power. , and launched controversial campaigns such as the recent "zero tolerance" policy in which US authorities separated minors from immigrant parents on entering the country, causing a wave of criticism and

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2. He promises that he will do everything possible so that Mexicans do not have to emigrate because of poverty or violence

AMLO wrote to Trump, that he said many times times as one of his main goals: "We will try He says that his government will do everything possible so that Mexicans find work and well-being in their places of origin," where are their families, their customs and their cultures ".

Immigrants arriving in the United States come from Mexico and from what is called the North Triangle region of Central America: Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador .

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To a large extent, they flee armed conflict and fleeing. extreme poverty, as well as from gang-related violence.

3. He asks to conclude the renegotiation of NAFTA or NAFTA

"I think prolonging the uncertainty could stop the investments [à moyen terme et à long terme] which obviously hampers the economic growth in Mexico, and therefore, the government strategy that I will lead, which seeks to create jobs and better living conditions, "said AMLO to Trump

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In 2016, the export of vehicles and auto parts to the United States reached 94,000 million US dollars.

The NAFTA negotiations between Canada and the United States and Mexico have been held since March 1945 by crucial disagreements between the three countries.

The main points are as follows: the United States requires Mexico to produce automobiles with a higher percentage of parts of its country.

  • What are the main obstacles to the renegotiation of NAFTA

? In the meantime, Canada and Mexico are asking Mexico to raise wages. Mexico refused to do so. The countries of the North consider that is in unfair competition with lower wages.

4. He focuses on the banishment of corruption

The next president of Mexico reiterated to Trump one of his most important election promises and that, according to experts, he served to win the elections.

The project of the new nation, AMLO said, "will be to ban corruption, abolish impunity, act with austerity and allocate all that is saved to finance the development of the country."

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Corruption was one of the great problems of the campaign with a Mexican society always demanding more transparency.

Over the last six years, major corruption scandals have surfaced at all levels: they have even affected the current president.

  • 3 scandals that show the extent of corruption in Mexico

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, in 2017, the cost of bribery in local governments is a major factor. amounted to 7,218 million pesos or about US $ 400 million

5. Mention various economic projects

In his letter to Trump, AMLO mentions several projects that would contribute to improving the economy in Mexico.

Among them he mentions reduce taxes and raise the minimum wage throughout more than 3,000 kilometers border with the United States "promote investment, productive development and technology, as well as the creation of jobs ".

Also creating an economic corridor in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to unite the Pacific to the Atlantic "to facilitate the transportation of goods between Asian countries and the East Coast the United States".

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AMLO says it works because migration is not necessary.

In addition, he proposes to promote tourism in the Caribbean and archaeological areas Olmec and Mayan by creating a high-speed train on the Cancun-Tulum-Bacalar-Balakmul-Palenque road.

AMLO, who has been shown an unusual activity as a virtual winner of the elections in Mexico, he ends his letter saying, "There will be a lot of changes, Mr. President Trump."

"And in this new environment of progress with well-being] reach agreements to face both the migratory phenomenon and the problem of border insecurity."

Remains to know what the unpredictable American President will answer.

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