Methods for removing deodorant stains


These latter options are widely accepted in homes, since they are not aggressive at all. In fact, unlike conventional detergents and soaps, they do not affect the environment and have multiple uses in household chores.

The most interesting thing is that their compounds significantly reduce the amount of smoke and fight the unpleasant odors they are caused by bacteria. Thus, after using them, the clothes are completely clean and disinfected. Try them!

Solutions for removing deodorant stains

Components that contain ordinary deodorants often cause stains on clothing. Although the formulas have been significantly improved in recent years, it is normal for this problem to make the washing process more difficult.

Moreover, due to the sweat absorption, these unsightly "cards" are formed that do not always come out. the regular soap. Therefore, after identifying it, it is best to take action as soon as possible. How to remove deodorant stains in an environmentally friendly way?

Salt and White Vinegar

A simple combination of coarse salt with white vinegar can help remove deodorant residues that form stains on clothing. Both ingredients penetrate the tissues and leave them clean and odorless.


¾ cup of thick salt (150 g)
1 glass of white vinegar (200 ml)
1 glass of hot water (200 ml)
½ tablespoon dishwasher (10 g)


Add the coarse salt to a deep bowl and mix with the vinegar and water
Next , add the dishwasher and immerse the garment
Soak for 3 or 4 hours and rinse as usual.

Sodium Bicarbonate

For its astringent and brightening power, baking soda is perfect for removing deodorant stains. Its direct application absorbs residues and neutralizes the unpleasant odors that accompany this problem.


¼ cup of sodium bicarbonate (50)
Water (required)


Humidify sodium bicarbonate with water Water in a paste
Rub the preparation on the stain and leave to act for 60 minutes.
After this period, brush the residues and rinse.


The acidic compounds contained in aspirins may be useful in facilitating stain removal during washing. Although this drug is distinguished by its analgesic action, it can alternatively be used as an ally for cleansing.


4 tablets of aspirin
¼ cup of hot water (62 ml)


All d & First, crush the aspirins in a mortar.
Then put them in a container and cover them with hot water.
Spray the solution Rinse at the usual cycle of the washing machine


The citric acid contained in lemon juice is a cleaning agent that can help take care of clothing. This is because it helps to eliminate deodorant stains and, to top it off, enhances the white tones that are noticeable.


¼ cup lemon juice (62) ml)
2 cups hot water (500 ml)

Instructions [19659002] Dilute the lemon juice in warm water and immerse the stained garment.
Wait until they spread 2 hours and rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Better known as hydrogen peroxide, it is a brightening product that helps fight any stain on the linen. Its use is discouraged in colored clothing because it can give them a pale or aged hue.


¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide (62 ml)
2 cups of water (500 ml)
3 tablespoons white vinegar (30 ml)


Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix well
Pour the solution on the let stand for 40 minutes
Once the time indicated, rinse thoroughly with water and neutral soap.
Note: If you notice that the garment has a bad smell, add a little lemon oil.

In conclusion, the elimination of deodorant stains can be a difficult task when the appropriate products are not used. However, thanks to the components of certain natural ingredients, they can be applied

Source: mejorconsalud / MF

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