Disney Cup: The champions tread the Guarani soil


Banners and songs of a hundred fans and loved ones accompany the arrival in Asunción of the champions of the Disney Cup in the Silver category, the Guaraní Fortuna who, after the welcome, s & # They settle in their hometown of Curuguaty, about 250 kilometers from the Paraguayan capital.

"Great Pride and Joy", "Welcome Champions" or "The Warriors Are Back Home", were some of the emotional messages posted by parents of greedy players melt into an embrace with their parents after a week of absence.

Nothing can replace the warm embrace of a mother or the words of congratulations from a father. The girls had their excitement episode by crossing the gate of the air station, where about 100 people were waiting for their arrival.

At 13:20 pm local landed the plane and with increased enthusiasm in the family. After an effusive reception, the school moved to his home town of Curuguaty, where an emotional welcome awaits him from his community, in recognition of his international success in football.

"Thanks to CONMEBOL we were able to live this dream, we are very happy," said goalkeeper Guarani Lea Sales. "We had some low moments at the start, but we were able to recover in time to be crowned champions in the Silver category," the player told CONMEBOL.com

C & # 39; s after falling in the first matches , "we promised to raise our"

Finalists of the South American Youth Festival, a tournament organized by the CONMEBOL Development Branch and champions in the Silver category at Disney in Orlando, USA, Paraguayas marked an important milestone for South American women's football

"We are very grateful and we are preparing for the next competitions. The real goal was for these girls to be able to do cultural and developmental exchanges with their peers, and thanks to the Youth Festival and CONMEBOL, we understood, "commented Fortuna Guarani DT Antonio Vargas

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