The authorities lifted the capture of Cabimas after the protests of their relatives


After the departure of the officers, the family members managed to enter the premises. | Photo: Mayreth Casanova

Cabimas .- Police authorities erected on Tuesday, July 24, the guards they held near the center of arrest and pre-trial detention of the east coast of the lake, to Cabimas, ] Where for a week restricted access to visits as well as the entrance of water, clothing and food for prisoners.

The original arrest was allegedly motivated by the prisoners of detention in the murder Carlos Castillo, a sergeant of the Anti-extortion and Kidnapping Command (19459010) which took place on July 14 during of a controlled delivery to Santa Rita, a municipality located 20 minutes from the penitentiary

According to police sources, the author of the offense was arrested at the checkpoint and left to deliver a truck that had been stolen to a Zulu merchant

. Prisoners protested in Maracaibo, with bars in Pedro Lucas Urribarrí Avenue, to demand the fulfillment of the rights of the private, and after constant denunciations for the abuses committed by the Conas the officers withdrew from the facilities at dawn.

Ana Moreno, is 58 years old. Since 2015, he visits his eldest son at the checkpoint and explains that he has slept for several days without worrying about the tense situation.

The early days did not report any irregularities put obstacles to allow the passage of visits and food. " Research has been meticulous to prevent guns or phones from entering . Sometimes justice is full of injustice," he said.

The order of visits, as well as the requisitions of food and water entry, were later resumed by officers of the Bolivarian police of Zulia . The Guardians of the Facilities

After days without rest, Moreno finally managed to get into supplies for his eldest son, who is being held for the aggravated robbery crime for three years.

The governor of Zulia, Omar Prieto assured that they are seeking to normalize the situation of the dam Cabimas and that " do not send the prams and they are not the owners of the place . "

An inspector added to the CICPC, explained that most of the allegations of extortion against traders, agricultural producers or foreigners in the state are charged to the retention of Cabimas.


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