A woman infected her family with the Ebola virus a year after having contracted


A study found that a woman in Liberia, who likely contracted the Ebola virus in 2014, may have passed the disease on to three other family members a year after contracting it.

This would be the first case in which a woman transmits the virus after such a long period of time, because previously there had been cases of men who infected their partners through sexual intercourse, because the virus can survive in sperm for more than a year.

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The News Agency AP published that this discovery alert the authorities to monitor survivors of the virus, after the end of the last outbreak of Ebola in Congo, where 38 cases were confirmed and 14 people died.

"The Ebola virus is hiding in places where it can escape the antibodies of the immune system, so it is necessary to monitor it," said physician David Heymann professor of infectious diseases at the # 39 School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.

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The case was discovered in 2015, when the son of the 15-year-old woman was diagnosed with the virus, so tests were performed on the husband and his three other children. The man and an 8 year old boy were tested positive but managed to recover, while the young man lost his life a few days later.

The youngest son of the couple, 5 years old, did not contract the virus, just like his two-month-old baby, and it was discovered that it was through the breast milk that the # The child had antibodies. 19659002]

SEE ALSO: They Make Promising Drugs Against Ebola

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