What Brad and Leo rejected


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Santiago.- Few years ago, many of the leading Hollywood male characters were reluctant to accept gay character roles for the big screen.

In this logic, stars like Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Ryan Phillippe and Mark Walhberg refused, for example, to be part of the main cast of Secret in the Mountain, the film that was a success resounding in 2006.

Filmed by Ang Lee, the film was initially directed by Gus van Sant, who in a recent interview with the IndieWire film medium – as part of the promotion of his new film, Do not worry , will not be far off – refers to this fiction that tells the story of love between two cowboys and that ended up becoming one of the most successful LGBT movies of the year. ;history.

"No one wanted to make the film, while I was working on it, I thought that a powerful cast was needed, a famous cast, and it did not work." Asked the usual: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Ryan Philippe.Everyone said no, "said the director.

Producer and co-writer of the film, Diana Ossana, sarcastically confirmed the words of Van Sant

"All these young men (young at the time) rejected project for several reasons", he answered, insinuating that they did so because they were homosexual and feared that it would affect their career.

Whereas Secret in the mountains was one of the first openly LGBT movies that triumphed among the critics. American, that should not be surprising.

Before representing a gay character was a direct route to the Oscar nomination, it was unlikely that a great Hollywood actor assumes this role in fiction, in part, for fear that his gallant image was "tarnished".

However, Brad Pitt is the only one of these actors who never managed to embody a homosexual character for the cinema.

A year before the release of Secret in the Mountain, he played in Troy by Wolfgang Petersen, omitting the sentimental relationship of the Achilles hero with Patroclus, who became his nephew on the band.

Ryan Phillipe performed, rather, in 1993, the first gay teenager on American television (in the novel One Life to Live)

Matt Damon did it much later, in Behind the Candelabra ( 2013), in which he played the boyfriend of Liberace, and Leonardo DiCaprio likewise in Total eclipse (1995), where he gave life to the poet Rimbaud

Van Sant assured that "what he could have and should have "done was" engage unknown actors ", no matter who were the" main actors ", but his doubts led to such discouragement that he eventually abandoned the project.

"I was not prepared, I do not quite know why, I had some kind of surprise, I guess something in me did not work, no matter what that it was, "added the director, who ended up talking about another homosexual project that he failed to direct: Call me by your name. [19659002] The roles of Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist were finally in the hands of Heath Ledger and Jack Gyllenhaal.

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