Twitter restricts access to thousands of applications that automate messages


Twitter reported that since April, it has eliminated more than 143,000 applications in a new framework to combat the "malicious" activities of automated accounts.

The San Francisco-based company said on Tuesday that it limits access to its Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allowing developers to automatically post messages on Twitter.

"We are committed to providing access to our platform to developers whose products and services make Twitter a better place," said Rob Johnson. , director of product management of Twitter.

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Johnson did not give details about deleted apps, but Twitter was under pressure about automatic accounts or "robots" that spread fake news or give an exaggerated exposure to a person "

" We do not tolerate the use of our APIs to generate junk mail, manipulate conversations or invade the privacy of our users, "he said. to stop these malicious apps faster and more efficiently. "

Starting this Tuesday, any developer trying to create a Twitter application will have to follow a new process in which they must provide details on how they will use this service." On July 11, Twitter announced that accounts frozen or restricted will no longer be counted as subscribers, so some profiles may see their followers decrease from tomorrow.

Frozen accounts are those whose activity is restricted because its behavior was suspicious and Twitter has asked its owner to validate its authenticity and reset its passwords

This type of account has nothing to do, according to the company in a statement, with accounts blocked or deleted because of spam or created by "bots" (programs that create profiles and have the ability to interact as if it was a real user.)

The measurement is taken with the "bots". o bjective that the conversation in the microblogging network is as reliable and truthful as possible and that the numbers of followers, which are used as a reference of relevance, are more

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According to information from the AFP.
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