You must force leadership to see the reality


Cardinal Baltazar Porras occupies since Tuesday the Apostolic Administration of Caracas after the resignation of Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, the two oldest dioceses of the country. In his new trip between the capital and the city of Mérida, where he continues to be archbishop, he intends to approach all socio-economic sectors of the metropolitan area of ​​Caracas and save the importance of ethical values ​​in the middle of the worst crisis in the country. "It's the way we have to go to force leaders to despise reality, and see why his speech was a great failure.Nobody has a monopoly on the truth."

-What will be your first step?

-Listen, and we have already started. This is the style of Pope Francis. I do not come as a superman. Those who are here and live this situation in Caracas know it more and that is why we have already made the first approach to define what are the priorities and names of people who will occupy posts in the apostolic administration. I seek the participation of all. The Church has always been the platform of someone who wants to find.

-What are the priorities?

-How to evangelize and give hope in a society in crisis that is constrained in its freedoms, in its possibilities, and hurt by violence, corruption, and by the breakdown of affections, because all world has a family member abroad and they are disintegrated by the world.

– What is the role of the Church?

-C is difficult, but it is possible and imperative: not to feel that the need is another and not ours, be it food, health or other aspects . You must see how the number of violent deaths and suicides has increased. Also take into account that when there are needs as urgent as today, there is always the temptation to exploit the needy. We have reliable data on how people and children are trafficked from other countries and also from Venezuelans who benefit from need and life.

– What are these data?

– Cases of prostitution, exploitation by a group of Venezuelans in Colombia, Spain, and how is work done with Venezuelans who later sell as slaves. On top of that, what has to do with the world of drugs and crime. With an exodus as massive as it is, it generates a geopolitical problem in the recipient countries. We must thank that in the midst of this global crisis, which is not only Venezuelan, there is Pope Francis' plan to seek solidarity for South America; It is about how to assist the Venezuelan who leaves the country without money or references, and also to the States so that there is no order of repatriation or repatriation. d & # 39; imprisonment. We must recognize that with all the difficulties, there has been a positive attitude towards the millions of Venezuelans who have had to emigrate.

– And how do you perceive hunger and the health crisis caused by the migration of millions of Venezuelans? 19659004] – What we can do is to be a speaker with the national and international community, on the need for a profound change that is no longer just to pay a higher salary, but to correct the # The whole of the health system, because this situation bankruptes the whole social system and has produced this chaos in which our population is sunk.

– Will you continue from your position the combative and critical style of Cardinal Urosa before the crisis?

-No, my personality is known and I have a position that is based on the common good. In the Church, we are also aware that we play different roles. The presidency of the CEV is the one that touches most directly all that concerns this socio-political world. Here in Caracas, to be the capital and the icon of the whole country, we are looking for an animation based on all these profoundly human values, an ethics that allows us to see things not as enemies, l '. one of the other, but with a

-What is Pope Francisco Venezuela so worried about right now?

-Father Francisco is very clear about the Venezuelan reality since his years as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and I say it with a lot of convenience for the common work done by the bishops in Latin America at Celam. He followed the Venezuelan situation with insistence and, since his arrival, Néstor Kirchner knew this relationship between the two governments and cases of corruption, which means that for him it is not a new or absent subject.

– You see

– I say what Pope John Paul II recommended at the time: "Do not talk to the government or the leadership, talk to the people." It is the people who must be more aware of their rights, of their possibilities, so that the temptation to want a messiah disappears. The changes always come from below, and that a closer collaboration with these social programs generates a sensitivity for life. The thought that good is in the good of the other must multiply to demand those who exercise power, or those who want to exercise it, who can not think only of power but to what extent what we call democracy is capable of well-being, serenity, the future and hope.

– The government should also feel concerned by what the people are asking

– without any doubt. While this tends to belittle or denigrate what the Church says, we do not do it for political quotas or partisan benefits, but because what hurts and hurts everyone is the who need it most. This is why the pope speaks a lot about reconciliation. It's a very bad word to talk about the Venezuelan dialogue because of everything that has happened, but the problems are solved by talking.

– Do you think it is necessary to resume the dialogue? how we sit together to take a picture, very smiling. The only way to solve things, as in couples, is to see how we take the bull by the horns, and trust each other to build the common ground that allows understanding.

– Is this a call to initiate? an authentic dialogue?

– Of course that yes, and also for all other sectors, what can not exist, it is the mentality to take off to put me, and if I see how I cut you off head; Well, nothing more. It is only by measures of rationality and real politics that we can rebuild what was always so beautiful in Venezuela

– Can there be hope when there is has so much uncertainty and death

? that if we are with a funeral face, we are already half-defeated. A difficult situation requires that creativity and unity arise, this word that is so strange or impossible, that it does not agree with you and me, but what is it? that people need to walk in this direction for the

-Was the church in that direction?

-One of the most interesting elements of our ecclesial reality is that in the midst of normal differences and modes of transportation, there is a great fraternity, a joy and the ability to search for common ways. Nothing that is approved in the CEV is the imposition of the majority against a minority, we continue to work until we build an almost complete unit that gives us hope.

-What is your invitation to Venezuelans?

The main message is that we must all give priority to natural values, which is not the use or corruption or nepotism, to achieve a more just and peaceful society.

"We will be a speaker with the national and international community, the need for a profound change not only wages, but to correct the entire health system"

From Caracas to Merida

No It is the first time that the Archbishop of Merida, Baltazar Porras, is the apostolic administrator of a city. It was in the diocese of San Cristóbal. "He is a strange but common figure," says the cardinal, referring to the figure of the canonical code through which the pope makes an appointment for the post

He has all the functions of the archbishop of Caracas without this title. "This person will come who occupies the archbishop's palace.The appointment may be decided by the Pope at any time, tomorrow or in four or five years."

Meanwhile, Bishop Porras will leave the church. 39, parish church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in El Rosal, and not the headquarters of the Archdiocese Caracas, in the center of the city, which is subject to repairs, he said. From there, he hopes to listen and intercede for the needs of all the people of Caracas.

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