Health by Right asks Amsterdam that Spain "come back" to fight AIDS | In the world


  Photo: Archive

Photo: Archive | EFE

The Spanish government must "provide new funding and return to the global struggle" against HIV because Spain has been "absent" since 2011, said today in an interview with Efe ] the director of the NGO Salud por Derecho, Vanessa López, who participates in the International Conference on AIDS in Amsterdam

"We consider that it is essential that Spain is once again an important player in the global fight against AIDS, Spain has become the fifth largest donor of Global Fund to Fight Aids Tuberculosis and malaria, but since 2011 is absent and provides no funding, "complained López

by Law is one of the humanitarian organizations present at the International Conference on AIDS that s & rsquo; Has been held since last Monday at Amsterdam and during which different scientists, experts and activists have denounced the lack of resources for HIV research and prevention in different regions of the world

With his work in the poorest countries, the message of this NGO in Amsterdam has been sent directly to Madrid : "The current Spanish government must return to the fight against AIDS because, furthermore, there is already an important political consensus in Spain on this issue . "

" We hope this government, which has always had a certain attachment to this, "added the director, who recalled that two years ago, a non-legislative proposal was registered by the groups parliamentarians asking the executive of Mariano Rajoy to pay back some 30 million euros a year to this fight.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is the leading international organization that raises funds from donor countries for care, prevention and treatment programs. in developing countries, but also to support and fund the political work of the entities in the affected countries.

López warns that this fund is "fundamental" to work with the governments of the different countries concerned. in the fight against HIV and obtain an "adequate response" to AIDS by eliminating all the "legal obstacles that have to do with the criminalization" of carriers, who are denied the right and access to health, adds

He recalled that, thanks to international funding, they have been able to respond to vulnerable populations, where these groups suffer from "discrimination and the very stigmatization of their own governments", as in the case of South Africa, a very recurrent example during this Conference against AIDS as a country that promotes stigmatization towards people LGTB and prostitutes.

On the other hand, Lopez called the eaten Europe Eastern, Central Asia and Russia as a result of "the policy of criminalization of homosexuals "about" the very worrying increase "in the number of infections in " We must also offer support to civil society so that it has the economic resources, strength and the strategy enough to do political work and change the legislation.It is a very difficult task, but it's the only thing that can change the situation after all, "he says.

About Africa the center of traditional attention in the fight against HIV, the director of this NGO recalls that this continent continues to be one of the regions most affected by the virus and that governments have "less ability to provide an adequate response" to the systems health "very weak".

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