Market value! Facebook shares fell unprecedented


Photo: EFE

(Caracas, July 26. News24) .- Facebook, the largest social network in the world, sank on Thursday in the middle of a storm for his disappointment results and doubts about his future.

Its stock fell 19% to $ 176.26 on Wall Street losing in a single day about $ 100,000,000 in market value; something new for any business. At one point in the session, the drop was 24%.

The collapse occurred a day after the company disappointed with its second quarter results and, furthermore, warned that its growth could be even lower.

Chief Financial Officer David Wehner told analysts Wednesday that revenue growth "was slowing down" and could reach the percentages of a single quarter over the next few quarters.

The Jefferies & Co. analyst, Brent Thill, commented that "many investors will struggle to reconcile this deceleration … It seems that its magnitude is greater than we are. have never seen. "

Facebook attributes some of this slowdown to its new approach on the privacy and security of user data. But there also seems to be limits to what he charges for advertising, the source of almost all the money that he earns from the group.

Analyst Richard Windsor said in his blog on Free Mobile Radio that no one should be surprised at Facebook's panorama

"When a business reaches this size, it becomes more and more difficult to grow at such high rates, "writes Windsor.

He adds that having discovered the limits of artificial intelligence, ] Facebook is forced to hire people for such tasks as filtering inappropriate content

"The weaknesses of artificial intelligence force (Facebook) to continue to hire people for tasks that machines are unable to do."

For Brian Wieser, of Pivotal Research Group's research firm, Advertising Growth appears to be "collapsed" against a wall.

In a note, Wieser said: or who "are counted" on growing days at rates of 30% or more for Facebook.

Until Wednesday, Facebook shares were at record levels. Investors seemed to have left behind fears that had awakened in March the discovery that a political consulting firm, Cambridge Analytics, had stolen private data from network users.

With AFP information [19659004]
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