Dicom wins $ 135,903.41 in its twenty-fourth auction


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(Caracas, July 27, News24) .- The Additional Floating Exchange Market Rate System (Dicom) has awarded a total of 135,903 to its twenty-fourth sale auction. $ 41, of which $ 115,706.89 was allocated to 8 corporations ; while US $ 20,196.52 were granted to 104 individuals

According to the results of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) through its Internet portal, the resulting rate was BSS 201,363.84. euro

The figure represented an increase of 32 754.24 bolivars compared to the previous auction which amounted to 168 609.60 bolivars per euro .

The resulting currency will be used to import premiums, supplies and spare parts, and savings in foreign currency.

The largest auction is Importadora Canaima, CA, with $ 41,000; Valmor Laboratories, C.A. with $ 37,500 and Inversiones Citytex 2005, C.A., with $ 17,506.89 .

With information from AVN .

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