Prepare a real homemade mayonnaise without cutting


Of course, you have tried several times to prepare homemade mayonnaise that has failed. That's why today we bring you this simple recipe, so you can dare to prepare a real, delicious and creamy homemade mayonnaise without cutting or resisting its preparation.


– 250 ml. of sunflower oil
1 egg at room temperature
– 1 pinch of salt to taste
– 1 clove of garlic
– 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice


1.- Hull the egg in the mixer bowl, important at room temperature

2.- Add the garlic, which may be optional, if you do not like it, skip this step

3.- We add oil at a time.

4.- We put salt.

5.- Introduce the mixer arm and start it, we will not move it from the bottom of the glass. until we see that it is mounted, we slowly raise and lower the mixer arm so that the oil emulsifies.

6.- Stop and add the lemon juice, and finish mixing to taste.

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