Let the IV PSUV Congress be a revolutionary unity


Caracas .- The President of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, before the installation of the IV Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), called to make " this the Congress of Revolutionary Unity. "

During the plenary session, addressed to the Alba Hotel in Caracas, Cabello informed that he will open a debate" "in each table to feed our revolution, I am sure that the IV Congress The PSUV is a step forward that will make us out victorious attacks of the counter-revolution. "

He insisted that" small groups understand that there should be only one group: Chavez and the revolutionaries. "

He argued that due to the "blockade by US imperialism, we can not buy

drugs or food,

block the accounts of Venezuela (…) [19659007] after say that a human channel is necessary ", however," here will not come from any way to set foot in Venezuela. "

The head of the Congress Review Document, Adán Chávez, explained that will discuss four documents among the 670 sectoral and territorial delegates

The event was attended by 24 representatives of international political parties such as the Communist Party of Brazil, Communist Party of Cuba Progressive Country, Allied Socialist Movement (Chile) and United Left Movement (Dominican Republic).

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