Prisoners 7 policemen and director of the Sebin for murder and dismemberment of an inspector of the Cicpc and his partner


2-11-18.-The Third Barinas State Control Court has taken a measure of deprivation of liberty on an exceptional basis against 14 people, including half of police officers, involved in the double homicide of the detective of the under -delegation of the Cicpc of Aragua, Leirry Osmar Bauter and his partner Alba Yearling Méndez, for the crimes of double-homicide, association for committing a crime and vehicle theft.

The measure was sent to Commissioner General Héctor Silva Surga, head of the Barinas delegation; to the detectives added Nelson José Borges González, Carlos Antonio Méndez Mora and Javier Eduardo Vergara Garcés; Detective Damián Argenis Silva González; Edgar Efraín Gómez Arroyo, director of the Sebin headquarters in Barinas, and the chief officer Ramón Antonio Ramos Tovar, officer in charge of the Barinas police, seconded to the Cicpc.

The civilians involved in the double homicide are: Víctor Alonso Gómez León, Iván Rafael Valderrama León, Néstor José Montiel González, Rubén Darío Taborda Meza, Daniel Zerpa Bustamante Anderson, José David Paredes Ramírez and Leovardo José Pulgar Sánchez.

After learning of the disappearance of the couple, the investigation took place and the victims were killed in clashes with CICPC commissions: Jaider Anderson Albornoz Peña, Omar Orlando Bedoya Escobar and Víctor Alexis Ramírez González.

Bauter Ramírez disappeared after borrowing a Fiat Siena carrying plates AD895LV to inspector Carlos Silva, to Aragua, to do his personal shopping, then to Barinas to sell an AR-15 rifle of the brand Colt, model SPI, caliber 223. who made contact with an alleged buyer and did not know that it was a confidant of Cicpc officials. Bauter Ramírez was killed, dismembered with his partner and disappeared with the evidence.

The police commission that gathered an alcabala to wait for the passage of the vehicle driven by Bauter Ramírez was probably unaware that it was a person in charge of the Cicpc of the State of Aragua. . Among those waiting for the Fiat Siena was the director of Sebin de Barinas. The official had a loud voice to stop the car. He was stripped of his rifle and other objects, then killed.

The dismembered corpses were found between 18 and 21 of this month in the sector of Masparro Cambur, the road that leads to the farm La Lucha, on the banks of the Masparro River, in the municipality of Alberto Arvelo, in Barinas.

Immediately, the director of the Cicpc, Douglas Rico, knowing the details of what had happened, announced through the social networks the intervention of the delegation of Barinas, currently responsible for the Commissioner General Hilda Briceño, the 'General inspection; Juan Peñaloza, Head of the Coordination of Criminal Investigations and Luis Ollarves, representing the Central Region.

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