600 dengue cases each week in the country


In its most recent epidemiological warning, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported 14,000,166 probable cases of dengue fever in Venezuela between January and October of this year. On this alarming figure, only 1,871 confirmations were obtained.

"In 2018, all federal entities in the country reported cases, with incidence rates ranging from 6 to 192 per 100,000 population (Portuguesa and Delta Amacuro, respectively)," the bulletin said. the "exponential" increase. affected during this second semester.

Only between epidemiological week 33 (mid-August) and 44 (end of October), the country has accumulated an average of 612 cases per week.

An intensivist pediatrician at the Southern General Hospital (HGS) said: "This amount corresponds to underreporting because, as a rule, the allegations are not revealed and it is also very difficult to determine dengue by analyzes. because of the lack of laboratory reagents in public centers. "

Last October, María Graciela López, president of the Venezuelan Society of Infectious Diseases (SVI), warned that a complete hematology and serology are needed, but that tests for C-reactive protein and antigen NS1 are not available. "These cases have been more frequent in hospitals since September 2018, even exceeding the revenues of other Venezuelan epidemics, such as measles."

Between 8% and 10% of HGS children's hospitalization staff, said a medical source, is due to this viral infection transmitted by the bite of females infected with mosquitoes of the genus Aedes aegypti.

Zulia's State Secretary for Health, Omaira Prieto, told this newspaper: "We have the expected cases because we are endemic for dengue and we are in the cyclical year".

OPS indicated that, in the meantime, all age groups, especially those under 15 years of age, incorporate Venezuelan statistics. So far, 13 deaths due to this pathology and 77 diagnoses tested have been classified in severe dengue fever, considered a "life-threatening complication because it occurs with plasma extravasation, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding or organ failure. ", according to WHO.

Since August this year, 13 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have reported an increase in this condition compared to the same period in 2017: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela.

High fever, very severe headaches, joint and muscle pain; discomfort behind the eyeballs, nausea, vomiting, enlarged lymph nodes and rash are common symptoms of infected persons.

The tropical climate favors mosquito breeding. This, coupled with the lack of policies for its prevention, generates the ideal scenario for its easy proliferation, the SVI said.

Dengue fever is under attack with vector control, environmental remediation measures are needed. "You also need an education on how to prevent it, avoid stagnant water.These campaigns are not realized," lamented María Graciela López.

Given the urgency of the distribution of drinking water in Zulia, it is common for households to have reservoirs. The recommendation of the doctors is to keep them well sealed.

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