TSJ ordered to recognize Jessica Bello as president of Carabobo FCU


The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice on Tuesday ordered the authorities of the Carabobo University to recognize and guarantee the duties of Jessica Bello as President of the Federation of University Centers (FCU).

On November 15, the University of Carabobo announced the student Marlon Díaz as elected president during the electoral process held on the 14th of the same month.

The TSJ has declared "an action in constitutional amparo" against the student Luis Eduardo León, who "has committed to actions of usurpation of the functions of the Student Electoral Commission as a". collegiate body "in these elections.

In addition, the Electoral Chamber announced "non-existent and without legal effect" the acts performed by Leon, which dictated the proclamation of Diaz, canceling said action.

Previously, the competent authorities of the house of study were ordered to guarantee to the student Jessica Bello the effective possession of the post and the exercise as new president.

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