Fedeindustria recommends wage indexation to avoid a decline in purchasing power # 27Nov


Orlando Camacha, president of the Federation of Craftsmen, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Companies (Fedeindustria) recommended the morning of November 25 to Nicolás Maduro to develop a plan to prevent the fall of the power of the economy. purchase in the country.

"(Maduro) must devise a mechanism that establishes wage indexing, using a benchmark allowing periodic review of wages," said the principal in an interview with the Union Radio radio.

For the member also of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), he set out his view as an employer on the importance of protecting workers' wages by stating that "if as a as entrepreneurs, we consider our assets as a replacement cost, one of those costs has to do with the salary and we can not be far from the salary. "

This warning from Camacho responds to the obvious erosion that currently represents the wages of Venezuelan workers. He also mentioned the replacement of raw materials in industries. "Just as we ask that the cost of replacing the raw material be recognized, this system must be the same system of reference to define an indexing system allowing a periodic control of the salary," he said.

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