TSJ cancels the student elections of the University of Carabobo # 27nov


The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) appointed by the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) questioned on Tuesday November 27th canceled the proclamation of Marlon Díaz as president of the FCU of the University of Carabobo (UC) and proclaimed Jessica Bello as the winner of these elections, recognizing the Election Commission that the academic authorities of this house of studies do not know.

It is important to note that on November 14, the UC Electoral Commission gave a winner to the leader Marlon Díaz, representative of the ironing unit to 80%, beating the representative of Chavez, Jessica Bello, at 20%.

However, the TSJ said that an investigation would be opened on the alleged crimes committed in the electoral process of student representatives of the Federation of University Centers and ordered the effective taking of the post and the immediate exercise duties of the candidate Jessica Bello, who According to the agency, "was elected president of the Federation of University Centers".

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