Identify a gang involved in the death of a PNB officer


(Photo reference)

A Bolivarian national police officer and another CICPC policeman died the same day, victims of the overflowing crowd in Caracas, to swell the number of 22 officials, between police and military, killed so far in November . National level.

Following the explosion of a grenade thrown by a criminal against a mobile alcabala on the intercommunal avenue of El Valle, agent Darwin Lorenzo Marcano Verdi (27 years old) passed away Tuesday after being admitted to Miguel Pérez Carreño Hospital.

He was accompanied by officers Héctor José Alzuru (33 years old), William Quero and Milagros Gutiérrez, who were hit by the splinters that expelled the device during the detonation. All were transferred to the hospital for treatment.

Marcano Verdi was amputated with his left hand and died in the afternoon. One version indicated that one of the shards had crossed his skull and another that the officer had tried to get rid of the grenade when he had received it and had exploded. No version has been confirmed.

The officer was assigned to the Special Brigade for Victim Protection, located on Avenida Bolívar, with more than five years of service. Third of five brothers, she lived in Prado de María and left a five-year-old daughter.

The officials were part of an alcabala or checkpoint installed for several months and were attacked by a motorcycle couple, whose barbecue pulled the device. After the attack, there was persecution. The officials found one of the involved, who died after being confronted with the commission. His companion escaped.

Authorities identified the group involved in the incident. It is a criminal band led by a subject known as "Leo Loco", from the El 70 district, in the upper part of El Valle.

A few hours later, they reported the assassination of Erick Jesús Solórzano Arellano, inspector of the Scientific, Criminal and Penal Investigation Corps, whose body was found at kilometer 0 of the Petare-Freeway. Santa Lucía, in front of the bomb of the PDV.

Solorzano lived in El Valle, was assigned to the anti-extortion and kidnapping division of Cicpc, and committed suicide to strip him of his Glock pistol, model 17, the blue Ford Fiesta, the ADZ plate. 74M and two mobile phones.

A call through 9-1-1 alerted the police in Sucre, the body was raised and taken to the Perez de León hospital in Petare.

So far this month, they have killed 16 policemen, two senior military officers and four national guards.

In Solórzano, 66 officials, whether police or military, were murdered this year in La Gran Caracas.

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