San Miguel: Today, Maduro has personally led the grinding operations of the population


The journalist Grégory Jaimes was one of the wounded during a protest Wednesday in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE

Rocío San Miguel, a Venezuelan lawyer and human rights defender, said on Wednesday that "Nicolás Maduro has personally led today the devastating operations of the population".

On his Twitter account, the president of the NGO Control Ciudadano said that Maduro had ordered the commanders of detachments of the public order of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) and officials of the Bolivarian National Police ( PNB) who do not comply with orders go to prison. .

San Miguel warned that "the pattern of atrocities is repeated 2014-2017".

The Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict (OVCS) counted on May 1 about 77 people injured by bullets, gunshots and tear and recorded a repression in the states Apure, Barinas, Carabobo, in the capital, Lara , Miranda, Sucre, Vargas and Yaracuy and Zulia.

The Venezuelan NGO says that those responsible for the repression are the "armed groups" and the leaders of the Bolivarian National Guard, the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), the Special Forces of Action (FAES), Polivargas, Poliyaracuy, Policarabobo , Polybarinas and members of the Sucre State Police.

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