A 16-year-old boy kills his mother and grandmother in Propatria


The fifth floor of Block 8 of Propatria was the scene of a double homicide in which was involved a 16-year-old teenager . Police information indicates that the boy allegedly killed his mother and grandmother with a knife in the early hours of Wednesday, July 4.

The neighbors' story indicates that the teenage sister was able to escape the boy's explosion, and warned a neighbor of what happened. They do not understand how it happened. What they do know is that all members of one family were injured

Officials from the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) responded at the call of the neighbors who alerted them of the situation. Once on the site, they saw the body of Mari Rosales mother of the teenager; and that of Aracelis Hernández grandmother of the alleged aggressor.

In the apartment, they also found the grandfather of the wounded teenager, named Marco Tovar . He and his sister, aged 12, were taken to the Magallanes de Catia hospital because of knife wounds.

PNB officials also found the 16-year-old teenager, who had a right arm injury. When the police arrived the boy was lying face-up in the living room of the building, in shock .

According to the inhabitants of Block 8 of Propatria, located in the municipality of Libertador, the family was united and they did not seem to have any conflicts. The same was indicated by the boy who was described as a sportsman and a good student of average education .

Later officers of the Corps of Scientific and Criminal Investigation arrived ] Cicpc ) and Firefighters from the Capital District. Until Wednesday, July 4 at noon, the police forensic officers examined the area to obtain evidence and be able to develop a hypothesis on the motive of the crime.

See also:

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(Visited 40 times, 40 visits today


teenager, arrested teenager, knife, Cicpc, Family, homicide, Municipality of Libertador, PNB, Propatria, victim, violence

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