A batch of medicines for transplant patients arrived in Zulia


A batch of drugs for transplant patients arrived in the state of Zulia to be distributed by the high-cost pharmacy, to Adolfo Pons Hospital, located in Maracaibo.

Immunosuppressive drugs are intended for approximately 350 transplant patients. the entity, said Omaira Prieto, secretary of health of Zulia.

He reported that drugs that have arrived in the state through the Ministry of Health include cyclosporine, sodium mycophenolate and mofetil; Azothioprine, everolimus, sirolimus and tacrolimus

Two weeks ago, drugs for HIV / AIDS patients arrived at the state supplies department to be distributed by the Regional Coordination of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. Regional Health

These drugs, received through the Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Service of Pharmaceutical Treatment (Sefar), will cover the demand of patients free of charge and will supplement the programs established in the protocol of those affected by this pathology.

The drugs affected by this pathology are Efavirenz, Lamiduvina, Lopinavir, Neviparin Raltegravir and Abacavir, among others.

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