A Chilean merchant was found dead on the road from Caracas to La Guaira


The corpse of a man in advanced state of decomposition was found on Wednesday 18 at 10 o'clock on the old Caracas-La Guaira road, but until yesterday he was identified at the morgue of Bello Monte with the name of Jorge Edwin Farías, of Chilean nationality; He was 73 years old and had disappeared for 13 days

The procedure of removal of the body was entrusted to three lawyers, since Farías Quintanilla had no relatives in the country.

Jorge Farías was a lawyer and administrator. He arrived in Venezuela at the age of 23 and devoted himself to trade. Two months ago, he opened a pizzeria in Naiguatá, in the state of Vargas, where he also had an apartment that lived only on weekends. His parents did not detail where he resided permanently.

On Sunday, July 8, Farías Quintanilla was accompanied by a friend that he would leave at his residence located in the El Tigrillo area, on the main avenue of Naiguatá. Both were traveling in his Toyota Autana truck, brown. Subsequently, the trader planned to meet a partner, his relatives told the headquarters of forensic medicine, Bello Monte.

After long hours of waiting, the partner communicated with his knowledge, people of his maximum confidence. By a phone call, he indicated that the meeting had not taken place as agreed.

Farías Quintanilla did not return to his residence on Monday, July 9, so one day later, his acquaintances filed a complaint with the Corps. Scientific, criminal and criminal investigations of Vargas and began research in hospitals of the coast and Caracas, without getting answer.

On Wednesday, July 18, in the afternoon, they approached the morgue of Bello Monte where they corroborated the entry of a corpse that coincided with some of the predicted characteristics that have enabled its recognition.

Officials of the Consulate of Chile began the procedure before the forensic body to finally remove the body yesterday afternoon.

Victim-owned vehicle was not yet located, as was her pet, a brunette Yorkie bitch who knew he was still with him.

Another victim. Alí Oropeza, 70, was stabbed to death on Wednesday at dawn in the Algarín area, in Maiquetía, also in the state of Vargas. The old man left his residence, bloodied, shouting for help, at 2:00

Police sources from the judicial body of the entity said that the victim was not treated and died on the spot. He had 10 shots, many of them on the right side of the neck.

The datum:

Up to week 29 of the year, there are 8 elderly people killed in the country; an average of one month. Only in week 29, 3 cases were counted: 2 in the entity Varguense and 1 in the district of the capital, in a house at risk, located in the Escalera Oriental, a neighborhood that divides the blocks 7 and 8 of Lomas de Propatria. That's Gilmer Enrique Altuve Espinoza, 62, who is presumed to have died poisoned, reported his children on July 16 at the Bello Monte morgue.

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