A day in the Tesla era


Finally, at the Museum of Fine Arts, there is something different from fossils and stuffed animals. A joint effort between the Telefónica Movistar Foundation and the National Museums Foundation, the Motores Por la Paz Foundation and the Didactrón Interactive Museum of the Simón Bolívar University, allowed Nikola Tesla, inventor of the 21st century to show Belgrade Museum, is exhibited in Caracas until the end of this year.

Venezuela is the sixth country to host the exhibition, located in rooms 5 and 6 of the first floor of the Science Museum. A total of 300 meters places the visitor in time and space occupied by the inventor, mechanical, electrical and physical engineer of Serbo-Croatian origin.

What Tesla Has Left Us

The figure of "the inventor of the 21st century" has been claimed today through the publication of various biographies. Its name names Tesla Motors, the name of the company promoted by Elon Musk, specializing in electric cars.

Nikola Tesla thought that technology could one day be "in every pocket". Creator of more than 700 patents, his discoveries have allowed the development of the radio, wrongly attributed to Guillermo Marconi.

Tesla is credited with the first practical system design to generate and transmit alternating current for electrical systems. He developed the AC induction motor and by 1895 his motors would be part of the Niagara Falls power supply design.

He was also the first scientist to think beyond sons. His experiences have made him the forerunner of everyday technologies and mass consumption today.

The BBC news channel recalls that in 1926, Nikola Tesla stated in Colliers magazine that in the future we could transmit images and music all over the world . "We could attend and hear events as if we were present," he said. Today, it is possible, thanks to the development of mobile telephony and the invention of the World Wide Web.

In the same interview, the inventor suggested that women take advantage of wireless technology to "become the dominant sex". in a visionary of women's empowerment.

His experiences also make him the forerunner of drones, commercial high-speed aircraft and vertical take-off and landing aircraft, the primary idea of ​​the current helicopter.

The exhibition

Isabella Urdaneta, Freddy Liendo, David Oviedo and Miguel Ramírez, members of the Motores Por La Paz Foundation, form an interdisciplinary team that will guide visitors who decide to visit the life of one of the most important and less recognized inventors of history.

The exhibition Nikola Tesla, inventor of the 21st century is in the Museum of Fine Arts, where it will be open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 15:30.

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