A getaway? Secretly David Bisbal enjoys his honeymoon (+ photos)


Foto: Instagram

( Caracas, July 19. News24 ) .- A few weeks ago, the singer David Bisbal married the Venezuelan Rosanna Zanetti. They managed to perform the ceremony in secret without leakage of photography or information about it. Now, history repeats itself with the honeymoon.

The wave of rumors about the possible honeymoon is due to the fact that the performer of today has posted a photograph in which he appears as a relaxed sunbath in a day of the swimming pool. But this is not the only cliché, because there is another one in which he is seen with his daughter Ella, which is the result of the relationship he had with Elena Tablada

. if that was not enough, in the same publication the artist ] uploaded a video in which the newly married lovebirds are observed inside the pool and they show love, a lot of love as they submerge and embrace on the cheek.

The only thing is that the paradise is unknown where the husband and wife are now, because Bisbal was deprived of identifying the place where they spent a day of sunshine, d & # 39; 39, water and pool.

After Ronda

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