A healthy country is a prosperous country


The budget cuts in the health sector under the pretext of Republican austerity and the fight against corruption have failed to fully convince the Mexican society, which perfectly recognizes that a country in good health is a prosperous country.

The fight against corruption is a valuable tool that, with proper implementation, allows for efficient use of resources, alleviates administrative and bureaucratic burdens, improves service delivery, as well as procurement systems that enable procurement of goods and services. time and reducing the cost of medicines and health supplies.

Opposition lawmakers, private sector leaders and representatives of patient organizations and social associations have expressed unanimous support for the government's current strategy to fight corruption and austerity. population, especially in the most vulnerable sectors.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the money allocated by families to medical care does not exceed 20% of personal expenses; however, in Mexico, data from the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) warns that this percentage reaches 45%; this is more than double what is recommended by WHO.

These expenditures have serious socio-economic consequences for families, especially for the most vulnerable sectors, as only 7% of the Mexican population is covered by major medical expenses insurance, according to the data of the Coordinating Committee of the health of the Business Council. (CEC).

The senators and deputies of the PAN, PRI and Movimiento Ciudadano have asked the Standing Committee of the Congress of the Union to the Ministries of Health and Finance for a detailed report on the budget cuts, the shortage of medicines and the dismissal of staff, but until now. There was no answer.

They denounced the fact that the budget restriction of more than 2,300 million pesos had caused problems in at least 20 entities of the country, such as drug shortage, 30% reduction of health staff, lack of remuneration of trainees and medical residents, as well as refusals to pay benefits such as handicaps or holidays, among others.

According to data from the OECD, Mexico ranks among the countries where income tax deductions (ISR) and social security accounted for a high percentage of their income for workers, but this Unfortunately, it does not translate into better service delivery.

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