A magnitude 5.1 earthquake on the Richter scale rocked El Salvador without casualties | In the world


  Photo: Repository

Photo: Repository

2001.com.ve | EFE

An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 on the open scale of Richter shook the Pacific of El Salvador without causing casualties or property damage, reported the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). 19659005] The earthquake was recorded at 01:56 local time (0756 GMT) off the coast of the department of La Libertad (center), 45 kilometers south of Mizata beach.

The state wallet specified that tremor had a focal depth of 32.2 kilometers and an intensity of four on the modified Mercalli scale in Sonsonate Department (West). Authorities do not report the damage or casualties as a result of the earthquake, despite being of considerable magnitude.

In El Salvado most earthquakes originated in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and much deeper, which sometimes makes them imperceptible to the population, while those who come from land near the surface "are more sensitive and more harmful".

2018 -07-12

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