A military court grants a probationary period to Ariana Granadillo


The 2nd Military Court of Control granted conditional liberty yesterday to medical student Ariana Granadillo. The 21-year-old girl, missing for several days and who is under investigation for his relationship with a soldier accused of conspiracy, saw himself as a precautionary measure. prohibition to leave the country, declaring the media and each presenting eight days in court. The information was given by the executive director of the Venezuelan Criminal Forum, Alfredo Romero.

Granadillo was charged with instigating military crimes of rebellion and treason, and was transferred to Caracas on Friday. She is held at the headquarters of Cicpc in El Rosal. The young woman arrived at the police after crossing eight sub-delegations of the Cicpc, from Táchira to the capital.

Ariana Granadillo was arbitrarily detained for political reasons on June 23. The Criminal Forum informed that until June 28, they did not allow him to communicate with his family, the date on which the student reported that she would be brought to Caracas

The Forum criminal denounced the use of uncertified lists of political prisoners. the release of people who were no longer imprisoned, political prisoners were mixed with ordinary prisoners and artificially inflated the number of released political prisoners. "

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