A modified form of btox relieves chronic pain


Botulinum toxin, known as btox, may have new uses. As can be seen, a modified form provides relief from chronic pain, according to a study published in Science Translational Medicine.

Researchers at U. College London (UCL) deconstructed the botulonic molecule and reassembled it with an opioid type. Next, they tested it in mice.

"Injected into the spine (mice), it relieves chronic pain, such as that caused by nerve damage, and avoids the undesirable effects of tolerance and dependence often associated with use. According to the researcher, this new mixture does not affect muscles, such as botulinum toxin, but it blocks nerve pain up to four months without affecting the normal responses to pain.

This product "may revolutionize the way whose chronic pain is treated, "since it will eliminate the need for a daily intake of opioids, Hunt said.

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