A parasite in cat feces could stimulate the spirit of enterprise in humans


The parasite also makes mice not afraid of cats (Photo: Facebook My Magic Cat)

By: Araiza Adoration

Mexico City (Rasainforma.com) .- According to information from the Royal Society which states that Toxoplasma Gondii a parasite found in the cat feces could be beneficial to the human being since apparently it helps you to lose the fear of entrepreneurship .


In this sense, a group Scientists point out that feces are related to behavioral disturbances of humans and other vertebrates.

They also performed tests with 1495 students and the tests resulted in those infected with this virus. Parasite, inclined plus their taste on careers in the business sector .

The study found that people infected with this parasite have more enthusiasm to start their own business.

According to researcher Step Hanie Johnson, the parasite also makes mice not afraid of cats.

The study showed that in countries where there are more people infected with this parasite, there are higher levels of entrepreneurial activity.

The researchers claim that this could be because Toxoplasma Gondii inhibits the "fear of failure" in the minds of people.

With information from Sopitas

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