A second extension is expected for the monetary reconversion


Caracas – Member of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly (AN), MP José Guerra, assured Thursday that a second extension is expected for the monetary reconversion, which is planned , according to the government, for August 4th.

"There are no tickets for the new monetary reconversion, we do not know whether they have arrived or not, a new term is expected for reconversion," said the parliamentarian during the meeting. An interview on Union Radio. 19659002] Guerra stated that this process of monetary reconversion was done in a "hasty" manner. "The day the reconversion was announced, some 16 billion coins" of the current currency cone were in circulation and "there was no opportunity,

About what the l & # 39; the Bolivarian Sovereign is called, the deputy felt that eliminating three price zeros is a "monumental mistake" because they will confuse the population.

He claimed that "l & # 39; government's idea is to issue a decree by which three zeros are removed from the currency "and said that with that" the bill of 500 bolivars would now have a greater capacity, so that would create an entanglement because people will have on the one hand a ticket that has five and two zeros, but on the other hand there is a decree that the merchant will have to assimilate at the price of which three zeros are withdrawn at the end ".

Last June, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reported that reconversion originally scheduled for June 4 had been postponed until August 4, in this sense Guerra maintained that the new The family of banknotes is not yet ready.

The parliamentarian said that the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) plans to subtract three more zeros from the currency, which, in his opinion, would be a mistake that will eventually confuse Venezuelans.

"Some prices can not be charged if six zeros are removed from the currency, such as gasoline, water" and explained that "utilities can not be charged be charged because the higher denomination ticket would be 500 bolivars ".

On the other hand, the legislator pointed out that hyperinflation is a "macroeconomic" complication that needs to be addressed with "expertise".

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