The data of the more than ten million users of Jobandtalent were discovered by a security breach. This is what they communicated through an email sent to anyone who registered on this Spanish job site; they state that the said problem made public the surnames, first names, e-mail addresses and an encrypted version of their password . All this as a result of the access to your server by a third platform during on July 5th .

Therefore, since Jobandtalent were forced to restart the passwords of all their users and, therefore, they will have to change them the next time they access the platform job search and work. In addition, it goes without saying that all those affected by the leak should avoid potential problems and change their password in all the services and platforms where they use it.

Felipe Navío one of the founders of the web the team of engineers immediately solved the source of the problem "and that in these moments, they continue" to carry out a comprehensive follow-up of our platform to prevent this problem from happening again. "It is also confirmed that what happened was put to the knowledge of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in order to investigate the problem. ex-employees-from-jobandtalent-la-parte-tecnologica-es-una-humo-curtain-es -mente

The trajectory of one of the most important startups in the Spanish entrepreneurial panorama has not been exempt from ups and downs and controversies: at its turn Investment, almost annual character during the first steps of the brand, have followed multiple layoffs and the incerti study on the viability of the company, revolving around its algorithm. An important change in direction over the past year, which has turned into a digital ETT has led to stability, charging about five million euros per month .