A student commits suicide at the GNB military academy in Táchira


There are many people who think that the police force is unreliable, but a small group still decides to trust them, in fact they even consider themselves part of their ranks.

Roberto Polanco / Venezuela Al Día [19659003] The municipality of Michelena in the state of Táchira, witnessed a tragic news and is that a student of the Technical Academy military, the nucleus of the Bolivarian National Guard, was allegedly killed by an alleged depression after a recent sanction by his superiors. [19659004] Photo: Mileska Martínez

The young woman identified as Edith Nakary Sayago Lezama, 24, was from the state of Barinas and was in third-year national rescue.

It was at dawn last Thursday when Sayago he approached a 17-year-old cadet who was serving at that time. Presumably, the woman had asked for delivery of the AK-103 rifle that was carrying the young man at that time, then fired, taking his life there.

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They claimed that the cadet who witnessed this was shocked, and that it was the shot that alerted all the staff who, arriving at this place, could do nothing to save the girl

the morgue of the central hospital of San Cristóbal by officials responsible for advancing legal and criminal investigations

Weapon involved in the act is an AK-103 rifle, it is being examined in a ballistic manner, with the young woman's hands for a trace analysis of ATD which would be used to confirm that Sayago has committed suicide

With the kind permission of La Nación

With information from La Nación.

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