A student dies after an armed attack at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua


An armed attack by security and para-police forces in Nicaragua on Friday, July 13, left five wounded in the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua . Managua), where a group of students has been entrenched since last May to protest President Daniel Ortega .

The incident occurred while Ortega ended his speech with which he concluded the Sandinista celebration of "retirement" in the police station Masaya, unable to enter Monimbó.

In the beginning, university students were present in the Divine Mercy Parish near the precincts of Unan-Managua in the south of the Nicaraguan city, where they evacuated hundreds of students. They claimed to have been attacked by surprise with weapons of war by the "combined forces".

This Saturday, July 14, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Managua Silvio José Báez, reported that one of the wounded youth that he was keeping in the parish was dead.

"The Unan students had opened a discussion a few days ago for spontaneous and peaceful unemployment, the answer they receive: an unacceptable attack, it must stop the fire and allow the attack to take place. entry of the Audit and Security Commission, "wrote the secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Cidh), Paulo Abrao, Twitter . 19659002] The Government had already warned that courses should be reinstated at UNAN-Managua

Journalists locked up

Students, who were expelled from the university used the campus as ] Shelters young demonstrators who feared retaliation by the authorities for protesting against Ortega

After being forcibly evicted, these students took refuge in the parish house of the parish of Divina Misericordia of Managua and four journalists, where they remained besieged by a group of paramilitaries and paramilitaries, who did not let them go.

Authorities authorized the departure of journalist Joshua Partlow, of The Washington Post who was imprisoned along with three other journalists, one of them correspondent of the BBC Ismael López, who denied his release as the Red Cross had said. ] Two informants from the Nicaraguan media are imprisoned with López: José Noel Marenco, from 100% Noticias and Sergio Marín, from La Mesa Redonda .

. Washington Post reporter, the authorities authorized the departure of the "wounded of #UNANManagua", said, meanwhile, the auxiliary bishop of Managua Silvio Báez, on Twitter. "They negotiated religious with the paramilitaries," he added.

Nicaragua experienced its most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, with Ortega as president, which claimed at least 351 victims, according to humanitarian agencies .

With information from EFE

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