A thesis demonstrates the benefits of saffron infusions to improve the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis


Posted on 07/12/2018 12:11:01THIS


A doctoral dissertation carried out at the University of Murcia by María José Bagur Fuster states that the saffron spice, taken as an infusion, helps to improve the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis; a chronic and degenerative disease that has a very important inflammatory component.

For the survey, a sample of patients from multiple sclerosis associations of Albacete and Almeria was selected and met the following inclusion criteria: to be over 18 years old, have been diagnosed with the disease less than 10 years ago, not hospitalized and able to walk without help.

Once the patients were recruited, they were informed about the preparation of the saffron infusion and management. Data from each of them were collected using questionnaires, personal interviews and anthropometric measurements of patients.

The results obtained with this thesis have shown that the health-related quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis significantly improves after the intervention.

It has been proved that, thanks to saffron infusions, the problems of concentration, attention and memory diminish; emotional problems, such as depression or anxiety; and the perception of their limits to carry out activities in their daily life.

In addition, there is an improvement in patients' self-perception with respect to their health status and an increase in their social relationships, as reported by the educational institution in a press release.

With regard to their sexuality, considerably increases the satisfaction of the patients studied. Numerous scientific studies have highlighted, in the last ten years, the biomedical and pharmacological properties of saffron in the prevention and development of various chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

The presence of autoimmunity traits and defects in the production of antioxidant enzymes are risk factors for the disease.

In multiple sclerosis, reactive oxygen species play a very important role in the initial and chronic phase of the disease and the restoration of redox equilibrium in the brain tissue may constitute a good therapeutic strategy to limit neuroinflammation and oxidative lesions of tissues.

In fact, most of the preventive or curative properties of chronic and degenerative diseases attributed to saffron are based on its high antioxidant power.

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