Actress Lili Reinhart confesses that she suffers from a dysmorphic body disorder


Actresses continue to face criticism of their bodies in social networks. It is the turn of Lili Reinhart protagonist of the Riverdale series. The 21-year-old actress decided to react to shame through her social networks.

In an interview that she gave to an American magazine, the girl said that "Marilyn Monroe was a voluptuous girl: she had boobs." And I did not have a height of 60 centimeters For me, it's the most inspiring and makes me feel that my body can be accepted . "

These statements became viral in social networks and some stories began to reprimand him because his body did not want to give him the right to speak of concern for appearance.As a result, Reinhart wrote: "Tell someone one that he does not deserve to feel insecure because his body is "just" or "looks like "That of someone else is false. This is part of the problem, is part of the body ashamed .

"I will never understand how anyone can be so cowardly to hide behind his phone to tell a stranger that his feelings are irrelevant, while being considered a "whiner" only because they think that it represents an ideal figure or shape, "he continues. Actress took over her social network to share her feelings after the incident. "I feel very discouraged because a lot of people say" you are skinny, so you can not talk about accepting ". of the body, "he said." As if my body dysmorphism was not relevant because of the way I look for certain people, "he continues. 19659003] Feeling really discouraged by the fact that so many people say "you are skinny, as if my body dysmorphic does not look like you're doing." was not relevant because of the way I look at some people. I'm not bent enough or not skinny enough to not feel safe.

– Lili Reinhart (@lilireinhart) July 4, 2018

Thus, her statements took a more serious tone even though she explained "That's how mental illness worsens" when they tell us we do not have the right to feel that, do not encourage this behavior, it's destructive. "" Maybe they do not understand not the insecurity of someone, but respect it "he concluded.

The protagonist of Riverdale had revealed his condition earlier this year, in another interview, where he stated that was triggered because severe acne that he developed when he was in seventh grade. Likewise, this is not the first time that he is facing criticism.

Body dysmorphia is a disorder in which a person can not help thinking of faults or flaws they perceive in their appearance and that, at in turn, for others may seem minor or invisible.

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