Adolescent contracted serious illness after visiting Florida beach


Photo: Facebook of Kelli Mulhollen Dumas

(Caracas, July 28, News24) – Kelli Mulhollen Dumas no doubt believed that the red bumps coming out of his son's skin were just biting fleas or mosquitoes, any insect.

His son Michael was returning from Florida, he knew that he had spent a lot of time outdoors and exposed to the sun, but in a few days the 17-year-old boy discovered that it was more than reddish spots, so we also found that all his behind was covered with this kind of bites.

Dumas later observed that the areas of the feet, legs and buttocks were all covered with this itchy rash, an unmistakable sign revealing some type of hookworm a parasite that can infect animals and humans.

Indeed, the doctor confirmed to Dumas that it was the migrating cutaneous larva, a skin disease caused by hookworm larvae from animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

"I can not express how traumatic it is for a teenager – and his mother – to know that there are worms living in the body", Dumas said in an interview with Washington Post.

The woman, originally from Memphis, said she believed her son had contracted the parasite in mid-June on a beach in South Florida.

In hookworm, it is spread in the feces of animals or humans. the parasite, and people can contract it by walking barefoot on the sand or soil that has been contaminated according to CDC warnings.

Michael had been buried in the sand until the c

The departments of state of health and the County of Florida did not respond to requests for comments on potential contamination.

Dumas reported that the doctor had given him an antibiotic and a pest control, but that the drug "was not working fast enough", so he made an emergency appointment with a dermatologist at the beginning of the month.

She reported that the specialist used the cryotherapy technique, a treatment through which nitrogen is commonly used to "freeze" skin lesions. But during treatment, the mother of the teenager said that her son asked the doctor to stop because he felt in his body "how they were leaking liquid nitrogen."

There are two main types of hookworms: human hookworms and animal or zoonotic hookworms. But Bobbi Pritt, director of the Clinical Parasitology Laboratory at the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic, said the two types can be passed on to people and occurs in a similar way: animals or humans infected with the parasite defecate in the sand or on the ground and because their droppings carry the eggs of the parasite, the soil becomes contaminated. Once on the ground, says Pritt, the eggs turn into immature larvae or hookworms, and when people come in contact with them, they can get into the skin.

The mother confessed that her son also developed an infection with staphylococci as a result of hookworms . He takes medications to treat not only the parasite, but also staphylococcus, a bacterial infection that, when not treated quickly and appropriately, can be life-threatening, according to the Mayo Clinic. .

Finally, Dumas made a social media call to pray for his son's health and sent a warning to other parents:

" Urgent request for prayer! On June 20, Michael went in Miami to take a trip He was buried in the sand as something fun and became our nightmare.He contracted a parasitic infection, hookworms, after a stay at Pompano Beach. took Clindamyacin, Ivermectin, several doses of steroids, and Albenza, for a cost of 1.356 USD for 6 pills (even with insurance I had to pay for it).

But you can get this pill in Honduras for 0.30 USD. and Drug Administration.We consulted the pediatrician 4 times, we consulted a dermatologist and today we have a follow-up appointment.It is suffering and it is horrible.Do not bury yourself in the sand or do not allow your children to I'm just showing some pictures because I'm very nervous.

Please, please, pray that he is cured. Also, feel free to share this message and warn others. The Department of Health at Pompano Beach says, "Everyone knows that you should wear shoes because parasites can infect you." I assured them that everyone does not know!

Hookworms, the most common symptoms are itching and rash, according to the CDC. People with more severe infections can also have abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss, among other things.

To avoid potential infection, the CDC recommends that you do not walk barefoot. it is common and where there may be faecal contamination in the soil. Montgomery said that people should wear sneakers on the beach and then sit on a towel.

Dumas told the Washington Post that he wanted others to be aware of hookworms because "I do not want anyone else going through what my son went through."

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