After filming, they discuss gun control in Toronto


TORONTO (AP) – Of all the things that horrified the inhabitants of Toronto after the shooting that left two dead and 13 wounded the fact that Attacker possessed a gun

United States where shooting is frequent and where there are about 300 million firearms of all kinds, possession of a firearm gun.

But Toronto the idea that someone has a gun, the door in public and kills it, is almost incomprehensible. Now City Council is considering a motion urging the provincial and federal governments to ban the sale of firearms and ammunition in the largest city of Canada . What happened in the United States is what should not be done, "said Councilor Joe Cressy, who proposed the initiative on Tuesday.

For his part, the Mayor of Toronto John Tory asked, "Why? Would any one need a rifle in this city? "

It is unclear how the firearm was the author of the tragedy on Sunday.The authorities have not discovered why Faisal Hussain, 29, attacked people who were profiting from a hot summer night in the restaurants and cafes of the popular neighborhood of Greektown and caused the death of a 10 – year – old girl of a 18 – year – old woman. Parents said that she had suffered from a serious mental illness throughout her life.

Cressy acknowledged that the firearms ban is not the only thing that Toronto needs to do to combat gun violence, which has increased in the city Crime prevention programs – helping those who have come out of jail get jobs – those who provide advice to children and programs are initiatives that need to be strengthened, in addition to meeting people's mental health needs

Even before Sunday filming, city officials were concerned about the outbreak of gun violence that prompted the Toronto police to deploy dozens of additional items over the weekend. The city has recorded 23 gun homicides so far this year, compared to 16 in the first half of 2017.

Canada has reformed its laws after the worst shootings in the country, occurring in 1989, when Marc Lepine killed 14 women and committed suicide at the École polytechnique de Montréal. Today, it is illegal to have an unregistered pistol or any type of automatic weapon. The country also requests training, a personal risk assessment, two references, a spousal notification and criminal background checks to obtain a permit.

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