After humiliation, England is the cause of pride and unity


SAMARA – Often a source of disappointment and embarrassment, the England team is a unifying force between players and the nation.

At least in some parts of the country, divided by the economic, political and social divisions that led to Au Brexit, reaching the semi-finals of the World Cup is a distraction in a busy atmosphere. It's an opportunity to climb the traffic lights, to toss beer in the air and to toast the success of football players in a wave of unseen delirium in England. since the last century.

For the first time since the 90s among the top four in a World Cup. The team will play against Croatia on Wednesday for a place in the final after beating Sweden on Saturday 2-0.

"It's an opportunity to connect the world through football and to to make a difference in the way people feel, "said English coach Gareth Southgate . "It's even more powerful than what we do with our results, it's very special, I imagine that there is a big party at home, not for us."

There is still a lot of work to be done if England reaches its first World Cup final since they raised the trophy at home, at Wembley, in 1966.

But Southgate believes that he instilled a humility mentality in the locker room, which is necessary to continue the trip to the Luzhniki stadium, next Sunday The humility has replaced the arrogance that has marked the David Beckham's era obsessed with celebrities, in which the greatest number of players reached the quarterfinal team. Just remember how Harry Maguire who made the first goal on Saturday, was introduced for the first time in England last year with his clothes in a black trash bag instead of & # 39; A designer luggage.

Ambitions seemed long frustrated by a culture of rights, while England waddled in the brass bands and the status of being the cradle of football without approving it with results. And as players began collecting millions of dollars in club salaries, they questioned their commitment to the national team. "19659002" We still have no world-famous players, "said Southgate." But many good kids coming to the world are ready to be brave with the ball and try to play well, they showed some mental resistance now. "

At the beginning of his cycle with the" Three Lions "in 2016, Southgate realized that he had to convey a message Important to his players: Any success with England will be greater than any goal achieved with their clubs. "They have been preparing to park their rivalries at the club gate," said Southgate. We talked about the importance of having that spirit. "

Also, how to recover from adversity.One of the lowest points of English football appeared there is two years old, a few days after the referendum of the European Union in Britain, when a team drives Roy Hodgson was humiliated by Iceland.

pressure, they suffered, "said Southgate. "They will have days when they can not cope with things."

But the misery at Euro 2016 as players, or as a fan at the stage like Maguire, helped England led by Harry Kane advance with relative serenity in his first World Cup semifinal since 1990, according to Southgate.

Victories in Russia also reverse an anomaly. England is home to the world's most expensive football tournament, the Premier League but has not been able to produce a corresponding national team. Southgate was in the last England team capable of reaching a semi-final, in the 1996 European Championship, when the team's anthem was "Three Lions" . The words "football is coming home" are in fashion in Russia, ringing stadiums at the bars among the thousands of fans who have challenged the logistics to follow the team. "

" We have a good balance and the team is united, "said Andrew Court, 53, fan of England, outside of Samara Stadium, where Maguire and Dele Alli scored goals against Sweden.

Southgate, however, observes beyond the hollow concept: "Football is back home."

Reflecting a studious approach, the platform obtained from its best day in football was used to deliver several powerful messages on Saturday. Above all, Southgate wants more English to play among the imports of the Premier League.

"The most remarkable thing is that we are in a semifinal," said Southgate. "We only have 33% of the league to choose from, so it's still a big problem for us and we're competing against young players who are just set up in their clubs, regardless of international careers."

"But we feel that they are able to play as we want, play for pride, play with quality and show the kind of mentality to work for the group," he said.

And it's a group that, Southgate points out, reflects England's diversity and reduces the economic divide that divides England, where so much wealth is centered in the south.

Southgate highlighted the less prosperous northern cities, from which players like Maguire come from.

"All of these players come from different parts of the country," said Southgate, "They will be the youngest looking at home from the areas they come in. They will be inspiring."

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