After the crash of Facebook in the shareholder market presents lawsuit against Zuckerberg


Mexico. (However) .- Ames Kacouris, shareholder of Facebook Inc., filed this Friday the first lawsuit against the company and its executive director Mark Zuckerberg, Reuters reports.

The stage comes a day after the collapse of 19% of Facebook's stock market listing and could be the start of more litigation against the media giant. Kacouris accused Facebook and Zuckerberg of violating federal security laws.

The fall of Facebook shares resulted in a loss of 119 billion dollars, one of the worst losses in the world. market in a single day in the history of the US stock market.

Facebook did not meet analysts' expectations in terms of average daily active users in June, a figure that despite a 11 percent growth last year and stand to a thousand 470 million people, fell below the 490 million million projected by the markets.

Specifically, Facebook's daily users in Europe fell from the $ 282 million recorded last March to $ 279 million, a decrease which, according to experts, could be related to the coming into force in May of new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, which gives greater control over personal information on the Internet.

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