Agree on the creation of a comprehensive protection regime for the working class of basic enterprises – Correo del Orinoco


The staff of the working class of basic enterprises agreed on Wednesday to create a comprehensive protection regime for workers in this sector, said Vice President of Economic Zone, Tareck El Aissami.

In order to restructure these bodies, El Aissami explained, in his Twitter account, that this measure was intended to protect workers from the price war led by the business sectors of Guayana civil society.

"It was our workers who suffered the wounds of the economic war that invaded the sectors of the Venezuelan right, in complicity with imperialism," said the Minister of Industry and Trade. National production. Nicolás Maduro asked El Aissami on June 14 and Ricardo Menéndez, vice president of planning, to reorganize state-owned enterprises, in which he ordered to implement "a comprehensive process engineering, a redefinition orders, a new system of business culture and a management model. "

It also calls for support for the working class and professionals they work in public companies, in order to" convert all industries into engines " productive, regional, national and sectoral. "

In response, El Aissami said Wednesday that this process "will facilitate accelerating to the maximum power the productive capacity of basic industries", and has made public recognition to the working class for its perseverance and commitment.

The country has important industries such as the steel industry of Orinoco Alfredo Maneiro (Sidor) and companies affiliated with the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG), among which: Alcasa, Alucasa, Alunasa, Bauxilum, Briquetera del Caroni, Briquetera del Orinoco, Carbonorca, Minerven, Ferrocasa, Ferrominera and Venalum

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