Aguilar and Pérez gave Guerra accolades


Junior wins for the sixth time of the season with home races of his compatriots

CARACAS.- Junior Guerra shows up again in his garden and with just a clean race, he opens the way to Milwaukee Brewers beat the Atlanta Braves 10-3 last night, where the tricolor flag was the protagonist.

Guerra scored his sixth victory of the season, completing six innings, seven hits, three walks and four strikeouts; to leave his efficiency in 2.79, with the help of Jesus Aguilar, who flew over the fence twice and reached 63 chartered in the campaign with four of the dates, and Hernán Pérez who also sent him to the stands of Miller Park with two on the base

The Brewers sealed their 54 win of the year and next to this place they show only 36 defeats, to record their best record in 90 games in history of the franchise, beating the teams of 78 and 82 (Year of his only world series in 1982).

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